Incheon medical center
Always with you


Clinical Department


[Professional medical field]

Anal diseases(Hemorrhoids, Anal fistula, Anal fissure), Constipation/Fecal incontinence, Gastrofiberscope/Colonofiberscope, Varicose vein, Rupture

Treatment schedule

Day of the week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Morning Exam Exam Exam Exam Exam
Afternoon Consultation Sugery Consultation Sugery Sugery




    Chonnam National University College of Medicine a surgeon at Seoul National University Hospital full-time head of colorectal anus at the National Cancer Center full-time colonoscopy academy of the National Cancer Center

Career and training

    Chief of Surgery at Cheongju Air Space Medical Center the former director of surgery at Incheon Veterans Hospital
    Training at Keio Hospital in Japan

Society training

    a lifelong member of the Korean Academy of Surgeons. a lifelong member of the Daejanghang Literary Society of
    Korea. a regular member of the Daehan Fire Endoscope. a regular member of the Korean Society for Hyperacoustics. a
    regular member of the Korean Society of Orthodoxy. a specialist in colorectal Chinese literature at the Korean Academy
    of Surgeons. a specialist in colonoscopy at the Korean Society of Colonics. Detailed specialist in the Korean Society of