Incheon medical center
Always with you


현재 위치는 관리자 페이지 입니다.
Book an appointment online - Cách đặt lịch khám online

Date Created : 2020-11-16 09:56:52 Writer : 외국어 페이지 관리자 Views : 2,353
Hello, this is International Support Team.
We attached file to show you how to REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE.

Notice: You should request an appointment at least one day prior.
Otherwise, you may be delayed for getting treatment.

Thank you

Internatinal Support team:
▷For Korean & English: (032)-580-6152
▷For English & Vietnamese (Tieng Viet) : (032)-580-6148
▷ For Chinese: (032)-580-6149